Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Machine Learning Notes with R studio

 There are 4 types of machine learning algorithms:

1. Supervised (where the data is labeled outputs are categorical and regression--->numerical values)

2. Unsupervised (unlabeled data and to detect the structure of the input, and categorized as an output)


ii. dimension reduction (NMF, PCA..)

3. Semi-supervised (unsupervised techniques first later supervised methods on the same input)

4. Reinforcement learning (a method that uses feedback from operating in a real or synthetic environment.

Friday, April 29, 2022

Staying Fresh and UpToDate. One more project.. The decision of best rank preprint out on bioRxiv

 it has been too many months I have not posted here. Stay fresh notebook. 

Here you go one more project:
